It's a bright sunshiny morning ... I've been for a beach walk along Mooloolaba earlier.. and on following my own inner voice I did not take my ipod today. So while walking along I asked myself... what do you need from me today? The answer was quite clear - "I want to play" ...
It may come as surprise to hear that despite having a studio filled with paints, materials, and a bunch of spare canvas's I rarely, if ever, make time to play.... because I am a 'professional artist' it all gets a bit confused for my Virgo Time Manager Self... that part that always thinks I should be working towards something worthwhile, or not at all. It's quite a sparse way of thinking... because intrinsically I know better.... when we allow ourselves to have fun and play; that life giving energy spills over into the rest of our life, work and mothering or whatever else we show up in the world to offer.
So that is the message for me this week... make some time to play.
I thought of using a pale blue with some red... and some patterns...
Oh... speaking of colour.... I'm totally loving the The Color Wisdom Cards that I ordered recently... they've come in the post from USA... and I did myself a 4 card reading on the weekend - about being 'Blocked' ... some great insights were given to me, I'll have to ponder that a bit more before I can put into words. You can get a free reading online anytime if that tweaks your interest too. Today I've chosen to write in blue... that's all about communication and the Throat Chakra. (Two of the cards that showed up in my spread were Blue November and Brad Blueberry)
"Blueberry Tartlets" on display now at
I went to see the movie 'The Social Network' last night, WOW... those programmers are very passionate about their work... it's amazing what effort goes in behind the scenes for a platform like facebook. I love Michele Meiche's take on it that the internet and the social networking abilities are a divinely inspired tool that can be of great use for us to connect with other like minded souls. She has a great radio show Awakenings I listen via podcast regularly to. Here's her blog
So... I'm going to sign off for now...
Have a great week,
the painting looks like you and your friends. gorgeous. enjoy your luscious lunch tomorro. play play play your days away.....